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The Andaz Residences $5,900,000 3 Bed 4 Bath 3,617 Sqft Hamilton Real Estate Ltd
2501 Wymara Resort $4,750,000 3 Bed 3 Bath 3,702 Sqft Turks & Caicos Sotheby's Int'l
The Palms $5,350,000 3 Bed 3 Bath 3,799 Sqft Turks & Caicos Sotheby's Int'l
The Ritz-Carlton 1066 (1067.68.69) $5,100,000 3 Bed 4 Bath 3,347 Sqft Turks & Caicos Sotheby's Int'l
9A Tow A Ritz Carlton Residences 3BR/4BA $4,995,000 3 Bed 4 Bath 3,338 Sqft Christie's International Real Estate